Now is the time to become part of Hatteras Island's community radio station.
Join our all-volunteer staff of programmers, show hosts, office personnel, and announcers. Give us a call at (252) 995-6000 and leave a message with your name and phone number. We'll get back to you.
If you would like to host a special program, make sure your message includes your email or mailing address so we can send you a Program Proposal form. You may also email us your request at info@radiohatteras.org
Get your music on Radio Hatteras!
If you own the rights to your music, send us a CD. We are particularly interested in music from local musicians (those who live on Hatteras and Ocracoke islands) and those who visit here.
Help keep us on the air.
Become a member, an underwriter, or send us a contribution. This community radio station depends on your financial support.